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Laundromat Tips: Ways to Make Your Laundry Trips Easier

laundromat trip

Doing the laundry involves a lot of time, effort, and energy. On top of that, you will need to invest a good amount of money if you want to have a washing machine in the comforts of your own home. 

The next best thing is going to a laundromat or a public laundry room if you live in an apartment which can be an immensely draining activity.

How to Make Laundry Day Easier

Here are some tips to make your trips to the laundromat easier:

Sort your laundry before heading to the laundromat.

Sorting your clothes at home saves you time at the laundromat. On top of that, you will have more workspace in the privacy of your home.

Sorting your laundry at the laundry facility can be quite stressful when you worry about your clothes falling on the floor or about the prying eyes of other people. Doing this ahead of your trip to the laundromat can take that pressure off your shoulders.

Bring your own detergent.

This tip may not make your trip simpler, but it sure does make things easier for your wallet. Laundromats typically sell single-use detergent packs at double their original price. You are better off bringing detergent and other products that you bought off the grocery store. 

Check the machine before loading your clothes.

Inspect the washer or dryer before loading your clothes. Keep in mind that you may not be the first person to use the machine, so check to make sure that your clothes are safe from detergent residue or worse– bleach.

It is a good idea to keep an old rag with you for when you go to the laundromat so that you can quickly wipe down the washer or dryer.

Aside from detergent and bleach residue, you also want to check the settings before you hit start. Your clothes may need a different setting than the last person used.

Use the dryers wisely.

Drying your clothes can take a while, but you can make the process faster by using a dryer that is already warm. 

You can also fluff each piece of clothing before putting them in the machine so that they will dry faster with much fewer wrinkles.

You also want to make sure that everything is in the dryer before you start it up. Just like an oven, the dryer will lose heat every time you open it to add something in.

Choose an off-hour to do your laundry.

Scheduling your laundry trip during an off-hour can make your trip to the laundromat easier. By doing your laundry during off-hours, you have the benefit of using multiple machines since you do not have much competition for the slots.

Off-hours do not necessarily mean doing your laundry at the most inconvenient times like 1 AM. 

Bring proper containers for your clothes.

There are many reasons for you to bring your own big black bag and basket to the laundromat. First, the weather can be unpredictable. You just spent time, effort, and money to get your laundry done– you do not want to get your fresh clothes wet in case it suddenly rains.

Although your black bag will do nicely for transporting your fresh laundry, it may leave your clothes wrinkled by the time you get home. You can bring a basket so that you have a solid container that can prevent wrinkles. All you need to do is to quickly fold your laundry and neatly stash them into your basket.

Use a laundry delivery service instead.

There is an app for everything nowadays. Believe it or not, there are apps for laundry too! For instance, SpinXpress Laundry offers pick-up and delivery services which you can schedule using their app. It allows you to indicate your laundry preferences so that the professionals in the closest branch know how you want them to handle your clothes.

Not only do you save yourself from a stressful laundry trip, but you also have professionals handling your laundry for you. It doesn’t get easier than that.


Washing your clothes, covers, linens, etc. is a cumbersome, but necessary chore. There are many ways for you to make the most out of your trip to the laundromat. In fact, there is even a way to avoid the trip entirely. Stay fresh!