SpinXpress Blog

Get in on the inside scoop on our newest offerings, helpful hints, and laundry advice. Post by post, we’re easing the burden of laundry and making it more fun for you.

Laundry day may be one of your most dreaded days, but it needs to be done. You need to wash, dry, and fold your clothes, sheets, pillowcases, and other items in your hamper. Smaller items are relatively easier to manage than sheets and pillows, but have you ever struggled to keep your towels soft after […]

In the laundry industry, different types of tough stains exist that are hard to take off. But expert laundry delivery service providers would always know how to return a spotless set of laundry to your doorsteps. What about sweat stains? Unlike other stains that come from food, dust, and dirt– sweat stains occur when the […]

Did you know that manufacturers stretch out fabrics to save on cloth on their products? This reason explains why most clothes tend to shrink when you wash, dry, and fold them the wrong way. However, you can reduce the chances of shrinking if you do your laundry right. How to Wash, Dry, and Fold Clothes […]