SpinXpress Blog

Get in on the inside scoop on our newest offerings, helpful hints, and laundry advice. Post by post, we’re easing the burden of laundry and making it more fun for you.

L‍aundry is a time-consuming chore and it is not exactly a fun activity especially after a whole week of work. Fortunately, laundry service providers like SpinXpress offer comfort and convenience for busy or tired people like you! What is Fresh by SpinXpress? Fresh is the new app-based wash and fold laundry delivery service by SpinXpress […]

Doing your laundry is a physically taxing activity that most people want to skip altogether. The fact that clothes are reusable is normally a good thing– until they pile up and now you have to wash, dry, and fold them. Long story short, doing your laundry may be your least favorite chore, but it needs […]

Modern times offer all sorts of solutions thanks to technology. There are even solutions for problems that you didn’t think existed! But let us focus on the problem that some people tolerate because it’s something that needs to be done– laundry. The only places where you can find happy people doing laundry are commercials and […]