SpinXpress Blog

Get in on the inside scoop on our newest offerings, helpful hints, and laundry advice. Post by post, we’re easing the burden of laundry and making it more fun for you.

Whether you have recently quit smoking, visited a relative’s home who smokes, or you visited a business where smoking is still allowed inside – you’re stuck with an outfit (or a bunch) of clothes that smell of cigarette smoke – and a simple wash doesn’t seem to be doing the trick to get it out.  […]

We all love our pets dearly — but the hair is just sometimes too much. Especially on laundry day! The most frustrating experience ever is getting a load of laundry out of the dryer just to see your beloved pet’s hair still clinging to the fabric. It’s left more than one mom (or dad) feeling hopeless! But you don’t […]

Laundry lint is probably the only thing you can add to that old list of inevitability (death and taxes, right?). But just because it’s inevitable doesn’t mean it’s useless.  In fact, there are more uses for lint than you may have probably imagined! In this post, we’ll cover why you should skip throwing it out, […]