Clothes repair can save you money when compared to buying new, especially if you can learn to do some simple repairs on your own. This article will cover when you should repair your clothing, and when you should buy it new. First Of All: Can It Be Fixed? When a clothing item tears, loses a […]
Drawers, hanging in closets, folded on shelves, or in piles on the floor – what is the best way to store your clothing? Does it really matter? Actually – it does. Storing your clothing properly helps preserve the life of your clothes, which adds up to savings for you since you’ll spend less on clothing […]
If you look back at what you spent on clothing (for yourself, your children, and/or your spouse) over the last 12 months, it is probably more than you think! Clothes are expensive – so this year, resolve to take better care of them so that they last longer. With that in mind, here are seven […]