SpinXpress Blog

Get in on the inside scoop on our newest offerings, helpful hints, and laundry advice. Post by post, we’re easing the burden of laundry and making it more fun for you.

These days, your washing machine can clean almost anything you throw at it, and they’re much more efficient than their predecessors — but how do you know you’re getting everything right when you’re doing your laundry? Choosing the right inputs to care for your clothes falls into three categories: load size, water temperature, and the […]

Pop-quiz: How sure are you that you’re loading your washer and dryer the correct way? If your answer is anything remotely close to “I’m not sure,” then this post is for you! We want to briefly go over a few quick tips that can help you ensure that your loading and unloading your washer correctly […]

Nothing ruins the perfect outfit quite like some unexpected wrinkles.  But how can you ensure that you don’t inadvertently self-sabotage your next look? That’s where we want to help!  In this post, we’ll briefly cover seven ways you can prevent wrinkles in your clothes and keep your outfits sharp. Let’s dig in: #1: Wash Smaller […]