7 Ways To Save Money On Your Laundry

Save Money On Your Laundry

Taking a trip to your neighborhood laundromat shouldn’t be something you dread. Laundry is a part of life, after all! And knowing your budget (and keeping it on the smaller side) for laundry can help you make this routine trip a bit more enjoyable. 

So with that in mind, we put together some basic tips that can help you save money when you drop by SpinXpress. We always want to help you make the most of your time here, so keep these seven tips in mind:

#1: Only Wash Full Loads

Which costs less, two medium loads or one large load? 

The answer is one large load — and it’s an easy way to save money at a laundromat. Consider saving up your laundry until you know you have enough to do a larger load. It may mean fewer wardrobe options as you wear your clothes, but it will save you money in the long run.

#2: Clear Out Dryer Lint

Cleaning out dryer lint before and after you use a dryer is both common courtesy and common sense. Lint buildup can decrease the airflow in your machine, meaning less heat distribution and less drying. Always check before you dry!

#3: ShakeOut Clothes Before Drying

Shaking out clothes before drying has a few benefits: it minimizes wrinkles, helps prevent tangling in the dryer, and promotes airflow. Those last two are money-savers, as they can prevent the need for a second cycle in the dryer. 

#4: Consider Vinegar as a Fabric Softener

Vinegar has a wide variety of uses in the laundry, and fabric softener is one of them. If you like the benefits of fabric softener (but not the price), pull the vinegar out of your pantry before you come to see us. 

#5: Use Dryer Balls

Similar to shaking out your clothes, dryer balls are a cheap and effective way to increase airflow in the dryer. More airflow means faster drying, so large loads will only need one cycle (instead of potentially more!).

#6: Use a Shorter Cycle

Not every piece of clothing needs to go on the longest cycle available. In fact, using longer cycles can actually harm some of your clothes, or leave them soggier when it’s time to dry. The right cycle will clean, rinse, and spin your clothes in just the right amount of time — which saves money in the dryer. 

#7: Line Dry What You Can

This tip takes some coordination and quick travel, but if you have the option to line dry some of your laundry it can save money in the long run. Try to coordinate your line dry items so that they finish washing when you’re almost done folding the rest of your clothes. That way you can pack everything up, run home quickly, and line dry before things start to sour.